Monday, 28 December 2020

ALNO Product Services

ALNO Product Services are now supplying Qualified Mechanics across Australia with modified roof latches for the Holden Astra Convertible
Broken Roof latches on your Astra Convertible is a common issue across the range of Astra convertibles. One can assume that the latches have been design to fail as failure of these latches protects the hydraulic system from failure. If the hydraulic system fails the cost of replacing / overhauling it is out weighted by the cost of replacing the roof latch, in terms of labor alone.
We have also had one case where a do it your self or unqualified mechanic has modified the latch and the hydraulic system has failed when the roof was opening, the hydraulic system need to be fully overhauled.
 ALNO Product Services have developed a list of reputable mechanics across Australia that the end user / customer have been more than happy with regard to the service they provide.
To find the closest Mechanic with experience in replacing the broken roof latches contact 

Quality Convertible Roof Parts

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